Yesterday, as I hung out under my umbrella in South Mission Beach, I watched two police officers on quads continuously cruise the beaches looking for alcohol. I watched them pull up to a family with kids running in and out of the water, and parents chatting in beach chairs. They looked into the cup the man was holding and issued him a citation for having alcohol on the beach.
Really? I mean, really...
The impact of the alcohol ban on the beaches of San Diego sunk in. An unfortunate "riot" in Pacific Beach last summer has resulted in the excessive surveillance of beaches spanning the length of the county of San Diego. The bans have been imposed all the way up to North County, with tickets and warnings being issued without second thought. I don't think I am alone in believing these ordinances should be enforced with peace officers using the spirit, rather than the letter of the law.
Was the alcohol ban set to stop dads drinking a beer on the beach while enjoying time with family? Of course not...the argument against alcohol was made to protect the families and their beach time. Was alcohol consumption disrupting family time on beaches? Yes, one could argue that holiday weekends in Pacific Beach were a bit nuts. But Del Mar? Solana Beach? The father discreetly sipping a beer with his wife in South Mission?
Although I understand the underlying issues that resulted in this alcohol ordinance, I am disappointed that more creative solutions were not considered to target problem areas and individuals. I am equally as disappointed in those charged with enforcing the new laws and their lack of perceived discretion in issuing citations.
On a lighter note, make sure to check out the boards posted recently on Rerip.com! Need some cash for the summer? Dust of that rhino chaser in your garage, take a picture, and post!
Bravio Lisa!
Luckily the guards in Solana Beach were a lot nicer...
My problem is that lifeguards should be watching the water and police the streets, not scanning for people trying to discreetly mask their beers. I hope no one drowns or someone gets robbed because someone's dad is getting a ticket somewhere...
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