Transportation: You would be amazed at the vibe up here..It is what Solana Beach once was. Down to Earth people that share time with family and friends. Little or no arrogance with very meager earthly possessions. Rarely lock their doors and always welcome you into their homes. Business open late on powder days and it is both accepted and understood. Pretty darn cool!!
In this small town, if it were not for ice roads in the winter, you could ride a bike everywhere and there would be no need for cars. Many people do not own cars as the public transportation up here is pretty good. All the ski resorts have free shuttles to the mountains. South Lake Tahoe has the “Blue-Go” bus that runs back and forth from one end of town to the other. The bus stops always are filled with workers, skiers and tourists. You can truly park your car and not use it. I work form home so have the luxury of not commuting as I did in So Cal. Maybe travel 3 miles a day and fill up about once every two weeks.
On a grander scale, San Diego has the Coaster and busses, but many choose not to use them. My belief is that it is an inconvenience factor and every one is in a hurry to get to and from work, appointments etc. Many Asian countries have mass transportation dialed-in. Cars are not an option. This is a feasibility, but the County would have to step-up. They are starting to get-it with car pool lanes etc, but it is like trying to start training an 80 year old to live a healthy life…too little too late??????
John on surfing, N. Rios, and gas prices:
I can't believe how most people just keep swiping the card at the gas pump no matter what it costs, you are setting a good example for all of us. I haven't gone as far as you have but definitely think harder before I jump in the car to go some place. It's been a long time since I put a surfboard in a car, I can always find some kind of waves within bike range of N.Rios Ave. I heard some encouraging news today, that gas consumption in California this January was actually less than it was last year in January. People must be driving less, or maybe leaving the Hummer in the garage and driving something more reasonable.
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